The Practice provide a full range of services for patients with asthma. Our nurses are highly trained in this subject and run regular asthma advice and assessment sessions. Please ask the receptionists about this.
Heart Disease and Hypertension
The Practice has a very active programme for identifying, monitoring and treating patients with heart disease and hypertension.
The Practice follows the latest NHS guidance and we have developed and are involved in the Central Croydon Clinical Governance Programme for heart disease and hypertension.
The Practice runs an active recall programme to ensure that patients with heart disease are on the correct treatment and are having the recommended investigations. Please ask one of the doctors for further information
The Practice follows National guidance and the recommendations of the Diabetes National Service Framework.
The Practice works closely with the Diabetic Department at Mayday Hospital, Diabetic Specialist Nurses, Dietitians, Chiropodists, the Mayday Eye Unit and others to provide a package of care to monitor diabetes, maintain health and prevent complications.